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▪ For heated compartments (from +5°С) with frequency regulation

Installed capacity
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
1,3 m3/min
7 Bar
7,5 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
1 m3/min
10 Bar
7,5 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
0,7 m3/min
13 Bar
7,5 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
1,9 m3/min
7 Bar
11 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
1,5 m3/min
10 Bar
11 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
1,2 m3/min
13 Bar
11 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
2,6 m3/min
7 Bar
15 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
2,1 m3/min
10 Bar
15 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
1,7 m3/min
13 Bar
15 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
1,2 m3/min
16 Bar
15 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
3,1 m3/min
7 Bar
18,5 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
2,6 m3/min
10 Bar
18,5 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
2,1 m3/min
13 Bar
18,5 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
1,5 m3/min
16 Bar
18,5 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
3,7 m3/min
7 Bar
22 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
3,0 m3/min
10 Bar
22 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
2,3 m3/min
13 Bar
22 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
1,9 m3/min
16 Bar
22 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
3,9 m3/min
7 Bar
22 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
3 m3/min
10 Bar
22 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
2,5 m3/min
13 Bar
22 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
1,8 m3/min
16 Bar
22 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
5,2 m3/min
7 Bar
30 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
4,3 m3/min
10 Bar
30 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
3,5 m3/min
13 Bar
30 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
2,8 m3/min
16 Bar
30 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
6,1 m3/min
7 Bar
37 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
5,4 m3/min
10 Bar
37 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Belt
4,5 m3/min
13 Bar
37 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
7,1 m3/min
7 Bar
37 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
5,5 m3/min
10 Bar
37 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
5,1 m3/min
13 Bar
37 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
3,2 m3/min
16 Bar
37 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
8 m3/min
7 Bar
45 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
6,4 m3/min
10 Bar
45 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
5,4 m3/min
13 Bar
45 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
4,8 m3/min
16 Bar
45 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
9,8 m3/min
7 Bar
55 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
7,8 m3/min
10 Bar
55 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
7,3 m3/min
13 Bar
55 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
6,1 m3/min
16 Bar
55 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
12,7 m3/min
7 Bar
75 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
11,5 m3/min
10 Bar
75 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
9 m3/min
13 Bar
75 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
6,9 m3/min
16 Bar
75 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
15,9 m3/min
7 Bar
90 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
13,2 m3/min
10 Bar
90 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
11,6 m3/min
13 Bar
90 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
8,6 m3/min
16 Bar
90 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
20,6 m3/min
7 Bar
110 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
16,3 m3/min
10 Bar
110 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
14,6 m3/min
13 Bar
110 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
11,5 m3/min
16 Bar
110 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
25,6 m3/min
7 Bar
132 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
20,1 m3/min
10 Bar
132 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
15,9 m3/min
13 Bar
132 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
12,9 m3/min
16 Bar
132 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
27,9 m3/min
7 Bar
160 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
25 m3/min
10 Bar
160 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
19,6 m3/min
13 Bar
160 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
15,4 m3/min
16 Bar
160 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
30,6 m3/min
7 Bar
185 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
27,4 m3/min
10 Bar
185 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
24,3 m3/min
13 Bar
185 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
18,5 m3/min
16 Bar
185 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
32,7 m3/min
7 Bar
200 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
31,8 m3/min
10 Bar
200 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
26,8 m3/min
13 Bar
200 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
20,4 m3/min
16 Bar
200 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
38,4 m3/min
7 Bar
220 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
33,4 m3/min
10 Bar
220 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
29 m3/min
13 Bar
220 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
22,9 m3/min
16 Bar
220 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
43 m3/min
7 Bar
250 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
37 m3/min
10 Bar
250 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
33,1 m3/min
13 Bar
250 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
25,1 m3/min
16 Bar
250 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
52 m3/min
7 Bar
315 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
45,5 m3/min
10 Bar
315 kW
380/660 V
Еngine's type: Electric
Type of drive: Direct
41 m3/min
13 Bar
315 kW
380/660 V

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Write to us!

We will answer your questions during weekdays:
Monday – Friday 9.00 – 20.00

Or phone us +7 (812) 679-28-43

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